Sunday, August 19, 2007

Any time now...

My official due date is September 7th, but the doc says he could come anytime! I must say, being pregnant was not as bad as I was lead to believe it would be. I gained about 16lbs., had some trouble sleeping, and missed beer, got some stretch marks, but all in all, not half bad. People are so nice to you when you have a giant belly. I have never been complimented so much, had so many doors held for me, or been offered seats so much in my life! Conversely, there are also the folks who feel it necessary as ask if you are sure you are not having twins...yes, I am sure.

I found out I was pregnant on January 5th. It was my last day of work at my old job. I put in my notice two weeks prior to help Jason get his business off the ground and to break plates for a living. Great timing! We told Coryn a few weeks later (we wanted to make sure everything was going OK before she knew.) We picked her up from school and told her we had a surprise and that she needed to cover her face for the ride. She put her hoodie over her head and he drove to her favorite restaurant, Kobi Steakhouse. She kept her face covered until we walked in the door and was so excited to figure out where she was! That was plenty surprise for her. We were seated and Jason and I were a little nervous to tell her. She had been begging for a sibling, almost since the time we met, but we were still unsure how she might take it. I asked her what she would think if I told her that going to Kobi was not the surprise. She had a funny look and excused herself to the bathroom to "get ready" for the surprise. When she came back Jason whispered it into her ear and she was so happy, I think she even teared up a bit! A little while later the reality kind of sunk in and questions like "will I get as many presents??" kicked in. She is still hesitantly excited, but I can imagine that suddenly not being an only child after 10 years is not easy. Despite that, she loves little kids and I am sure she will be a big help and a great big sister.

Another thing people ask about what kind of cravings I am having, and I don't think I really have had them. I always love food so it is hard to say. Jason has been on call to run out and get me things, but it has never resorted to that. I did love guacamole for a while, and can't get enough Mint Milanos, french fries, or breakfast sandwiches (but that is not too different from any other non-pregnant day.) I will miss not feeling guilty about eating these things.

Everything here is ready for baby! I can't think of anything else we need, and trust me I've tried. I even had a dream about getting outlet covers one night. The next morning, got on Ebay and found 72 of them for $6. Coryn had fun putting them all in. I have run out of things to organize and now I am restless. I even made a few meals to freeze for the week he comes home so that I don't have to worry about cooking. Jason kindly reminded me that chores like that are reserved for woman with slacker husbands who can't cook. He is right, but I still like preparing.

So - I am taking predictions, I have heard quite a few already - When do you think he is coming?? Whoever is closest gets to buy me a beer! =)


Anonymous said...

I think September 8, 2007 at 6:54pm would be perfect!!:>

Anonymous said...

Sept 3rd......