Things are slowly looking up for Nolan, after losing a pound and being threatened with an IV by his doctor, he has finally been able to keep some fluids in. Just in the past hour he has looked a little more chipper. I even got a hint of a smile. As I was leaving the office the doctor warned me that "This kind of thing can run through a house like a wildfire." If my life were an episode of "Law and Order," I would have heard "BONG BONG!" Looks like the doctor was right...
Oh boy, I remember stomach bugs! Ugh...and that doctor is right. They hit everyone, including the nanny. Take care of yourself, drink lots of fluids, and be sure to buy some pedialyte!!! (it's good for us adults too)
Oh no - I am so sorry to hear that. I hope he is feeling back to his normal self soon! And I hope you guys don't get it so bad either.
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