Thursday, January 24, 2008

Confessions of a bad mother - Part I

So, we had a bit of a stressful morning. All started off OK, Nolan ate breakfast, watched a cooking show and was falling asleep in his chair when the phone rang. I got up to get the phone, chatted for one minute, but as I hung it up, he was startled and he popped right out of his chair, bumping his noggin on the way! Luckily all is fine, but he has a gnarly bruise across that big block head of his. The first bruise of many, I am sure...


Nolan's Grandma said...

Do not worry!
When you were his age I turned my back on you for 2 seconds and you rolled off the changing table...SPLAT!

Anonymous said...

Im just glad it wasnt me that gave him his first real bruise. You took the pressure off. thanks!!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry - Joey once hit his head so hard he had to have it X-Rayed. He is going to be a daredevil:) - Steph